God & Money – What About The 90%?

God and money make many people think about tithing. Tithing is the practice of giving 10% of your income to the church. The second thing we think about is the scripture Malachi 3:8 – 10. Many Christians can quote these verses by heart because they have heard them so many times in church. Especially during offering, when they are asked and/or told to make contributions. Unfortunately, that is all many people are told about money from the church. But there is so much more.

Tithing addresses 10% of your income but what about the other 90%. Many may have been lead to believe that if you give your tithes, everything else would take care of itself. Unfortunately, money did not take care of itself. Without teaching about money management many people ended up spending more than they earned (to look blessed that’s a whole other conversation), getting into debt, and saving little or nothing for emergencies and/or retirement. There is information about money management but there was little or no teaching about it.

What should you do with the 90%? There are several options. Here is one I like to suggest: 10% for savings, 10% for retirement/investing, and 70% for expenses. This formula alone will not help you to manage your money. It’s just a good start. You need to set goals to have an idea of what you want to do financially. Then you need to put a spending plan or budget in place to help you to reach your goals. The subject of God and Money does not begin and end with tithing. Tithing is important, but you also have to live. And in order to live free from the bondage of debt and money mismanagement, learn how to manage the 90%. All the best.
here to get a free copy of my eBook: Money Management 101