Money Color – Blue

Money Color – Blue

Knowing your “Money Color” will help you better understand how you value money. Most people will be able to identify with some aspect of all of the Money Colors. If that is the case, then you may have competing money values. However, the one you identify with the most is considered your dominant Money Color.

Your money is a resource to assist you in reaching your goals and getting the things you need and want. If your values of how you use money prevents you from reaching your financial goals, consider changing your money habits. You can change your habits once you become aware of them. The colors are random but the values are well defined. The Money Colors are Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, and Pink. Blue is the subject of this post.

Blue – Money is valued for pampering or treating self. 

You are more likely to:

  • shop when stressed or unhappy
  • justify why it’s OK to go shopping instead of paying bills
  • spend savings on what is wanted over what is needed

You are less likely to:

  • say no to treating self, especially when sad or depressed
  • have limits on spending when there is a strong desire to have something
  • have a reason for spending
  • have a spending plan and savings you can stick to

“I deserve it” is fitting mantra for people with Blue as their Money Color. They have prescribed to “Retail Therapy” and wear it as a badge of honor. To say that they are emotional spenders is an understatement. They see many, if not all, of their wants as needs. Money is all about them, but they do not have a problem teaching others the same lessons they have learned about being selfish with money. When life is bad, money makes it better. If your Money Color is Blue, what changes do you need to make? All the best!

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